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CK-Mold Precision Mould & Plastic Co., Ltd.
High - tech automobile die into the industry development focus
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-08-12 | 559 Views | Share:
With the development of the automotive industry more and more fierce, the automotive mold industry that is driven by it is also gradually heating up. It is an important work to develop large precision automobile, motorcycle cover mould and large and medium-sized interior and exterior plastic mould with high technology content.

With the development of the automotive industry more and more fierce, the automotive mold industry that is driven by it is also gradually heating up. It is an important work to develop large precision automobile, motorcycle cover mould and large and medium-sized interior and exterior plastic mould with high technology content.

Has automobile manufacturing is the main market at the present stage in China, many companies also try to will be the direction of the domestic market, the for automobile manufacturing industry in China is brought by the development of technology, but more is the challenge for relevant enterprises. Our technology is still relatively settled, so import is still the mainstream in automobile mould industry, which plays an indispensable role in automobile manufacturing industry.

As the auto industry intensified, pull up auto mould industry is gradually warming, experts said, automobile, motorcycle industry each year, the mould demand of more than $700, while our country large precision mold manufacturing capacity is not enough, at present our country high middle-grade sedan covering parts of mold almost all rely on imports.

Large and medium-sized plastic mold for interior and exterior decorative parts is also in great demand. It is an important work to develop large precision automobile, motorcycle cover mould and large and medium-sized interior and exterior plastic mould with high technology content.

In the mould market of our country, the development of automobile mould is the most important. For automobile, motorcycle industry is one of the five pillar industries of national economy in our country, China's auto production has more than 19.31 million vehicles in 2012, from the industrial economy development rule, automobile, motorcycle industry of our country has entered the phase of "economic" take-off, such production volume, inevitably bring strong domestic demand, bring huge market for automobile and motorcycle moulds.

For example, the average use of plastic products per ca



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联  系 人:刘经理
