Hello, welcome to Dongguan Goodonly Precision Mould Plastic Co., Ltd
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CK-Mold Precision Mould & Plastic Co., Ltd.
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At present, injection plastic tooling manufacturing is the core business of Howe. With monthly output of 20+ molds, Howe is capable of making all kinds of universal molds. One of Howe's most important quality goals is to deliver perfect mold to customer after mold trial with T2 samples. We are proud that we fulfilled our goal on more than 90% of our projects in the past.

All achievements made by Howe today depend not only on the rich production experience of the past many years, but also on the advanced equipment, technology and craftsmanship that we currently brought in. Mould flow, cooling and warping calculations make for the right gating, dimensional stability and an ideal cycle time. Our tool designers work with Finite Elements Templates to attain the right dimensions for your tools. And it is not only planners and project managers who see to 100 % punctuality, but also a system that activates additional capacities at an early stage, if and when unforeseen events should suddenly jeopardize such punctuality.