Hello, welcome to Dongguan Goodonly Precision Mould Plastic Co., Ltd
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CK-Mold Precision Mould & Plastic Co., Ltd.
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Goodnoly can provide a complete set of services in injection and die-casting molds to meet customers' requirements for high precision products. Our professional team will advance from design, manufacturing, until the final assembly and so on various aspects of giving you advice, and help you to complete the design modification ahead of volume production, so as to help you reduce the cycle of the products from development to enter the market. As soon as the project starts, you don't have to wait. Our advantage is highly effective and professional communication and quick response to complex project development become easy and simple. We often use the core materils with P20 steel specification, 738718, NAK80, 2344, S136, 420 ss, etc and provide material certificate.